Emma Desrochers

Contributing editor reporting from Hawaii, U.S.A.

Emma Desrochers is a freelance journalist based in Waialua, Hawaii, who writes about fisheries and sustainability. She graduated from Yale University in June 2021 with an undergraduate degree in environmental studies and mechanical engineering. She has contributed to the environmental conservation field through internships located in Ecuador, Thailand, and Hawaii.

Author Archive

Published on
November 11, 2022

Sharks are endangered and continue to be threatened especially by the cosmetic industry, according to the Rob Stewart Sharkwater Foundation (RSSF).

The RSSF works with leading shark and ocean conservation groups globally to change laws and public opinions to save the world’s sharks and oceans. Shark Free is the initiative behind the survey to remove shark ingredients from consumer and industrial products.

“Nearly 200 companies,

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Published on
November 10, 2022

The Ocean Foundation (TOF) and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have launched HarvestStrategies.org to provide information on current developments and implementations about global harvest strategies.

”HarvestStrategies.org is the culmination of years of collaboration among governments, fishers, scientists and civil society to demystify the inner workings of this innovative and effective approach to ensuring a

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Published on
November 8, 2022

Pacifical has become the first seafood industry platform to pass the new Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability’s (GDST) capability test.

GDST was established in 2017 as an international platform to create the first global seafood traceability standards. The new capability test verifies if software or online platforms can deliver on promises of GDST compatibility.

Pacifical is a global tuna market development company created to handle the

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Published on
November 7, 2022

Research by the FISH Safety Foundation, commissioned by The Pew Charitable Trusts, found more than 100,000 fishing-related deaths occur annually, or the equivalent of around 300 fisher deaths per day.

The New Zealand-based FISH Safety Foundation is an independent non-profit "committed to providing relevant practical education, access to resources and promoting a positive safety culture in the global fishing industry." It said the study,

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Published on
November 7, 2022

The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) has released its first annual report analyzing efforts made by the organization in 2021 to expand into new markets and improve the accessibility of the certification.

Established in 2010 as an independent nonprofit organization, the ASC developed global aquaculture standards that aim to use market mechanisms to create value in transforming aquaculture towards environmentally sustainable and socially

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Published on
November 4, 2022

A new research paper has criticized alleged shortcomings in the recent addition of a social component and remit to fishery improvement projects.

International Transport Workers' Federation Fisheries Section Fisheries Expert Chris Williams, along with University of Nottingham Assistant Professor and Rights Lab Associate Director Jessica Sparks, described their major findings in a SeafoodSource op-ed in September 2022.


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Published on
November 3, 2022

Based in Fall River, Massachusetts, U.S.A, Atlantic Capes Fisheries has become the first company to achieve Best Seafood Practices (BSP) certification for its supply chain. The company processes more than 20 percent of U.S scallop landings.

BSP is a certification program developed by the Global Seafood Alliance (GSA) to provide assurance that wild seafood products were harvested and processed in ethical and responsible ways. It is also the

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Published on
October 28, 2022

The Panama small-pelagic fishery, the first fishery improvement project (FIP) to enter the MarinTrust Improver Program in 2015, has now passed the full MarinTrust fishery assessment and the fishmeal and fish oil production sites that have been sourcing from the fishery have achieved MarinTrust certification.

“This recognition is the result of more than seven years of hard work in the fishing sector and an indication that our nation

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Published on
October 28, 2022

One Ocean Worldwide Coalition is urging the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) members to take the opportunity to end the global shark-fin trade at the upcoming CITES CoP19 meeting in Panama in November 2022.

The One Ocean Worldwide Coalition was founded in 2022 by Fins Attached Marine Research and Conservation, For the Oceans Foundation, Rob Stewart Sharkwater Foundation, and the United

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Published on
October 21, 2022

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Walmart Foundation have teamed up to develop a holistic approach to improve wild-caught fisheries and aquaculture in Chile.

The 18-month pilot collaboration is intended to serve as a pilot for further collaborations elsewhere around the world, according to both organizations.

The Walmart Foundation, established in 1982 to support local communities, and WWF, founded in 1961 to conserve natural resources,

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