Food Safety and Health Report

Published on
August 9, 2019

Food Safety and Health Report
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No matter where along the global seafood supply chain you fall, chances are food safety is a top priority for your business – if not the top priority.

Simply put: Quality seafood is safe seafood. As such, suppliers and industry stakeholders all around the world are constantly looking for ways to ensure the sanctity of product portfolios and operations, for the sakes of their business partners, customers, and consumers. SeafoodSource’s 2019 Food Safety and Health Report details some of the leading efforts underway in this critical space – as well as the safety challenges still standing in the sector’s way heading into 2020.

Within this report, you’ll find easily-digestible insight into a number of modern food safety and health trends and issues impacting the seafood industry, including:

  • “Swabathons” – Morey’s Seafood International provides a first-hand account of what happens (and what to do) when U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspectors arrive at seafood processing facilities to conduct such procedures.
  • Blockchain gains – A comprehensive overview of how several seafood stakeholders are using blockchain technologies to provide food safety assurances to retailers and seafood suppliers/distributors from China to Ecuador, and beyond.
  • Omega-3 advisements – Industry experts remark on how seafood’s essential fatty acids are positively sweeping health recommendations in the United States and the United Kingdom.
  • Seafood mislabeling – A breakdown of the latest reports documenting the presence of seafood mislabeling in key global arenas such as North America and South Korea.
  • And more!

Document length: 27 pages. Available as a download only.

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