Vibrofloors Spain S.L.
- Seafood Processing Global Featured Exhibitor » Seafood Processing Global Featured Exhibitor
- PLANT DESIGN & MANAGEMENT » Hygiene Accessories
- HACCP Systems
- PLANT DESIGN & MANAGEMENT » Construction/Design/Engineering
- Quality Assurance » Sanitation Products
- PLANT DESIGN & MANAGEMENT » Hygienic Doors/Walls/Floors
- Quality Assurance » HACCP
Our expertise and more than 35 years of experience make us the best choice for your production facility. We provide complete solutions for both new green field projects and refurbishments, even while your production is ongoing. We always tailor the best solution to your needs. Our turn-key system takes care of everything from designing the ideal functional flooring for your production facility, to supplying tiles, drainage, and other flooring features, and installing them with our own professional teams, and giving you a long-term warranty
For safe and efficient food and beverage production, hygiene and operational reliability are crucial. We offer reliable and long-lasting drainage solutions for various food and beverage production facilities. Our drainage products have smooth, easy-to-clean surfaces that ensure high hygiene, self-cleaning, and effective flow capacity. Our point and linear drainage systems have high capacity and prevent bacterial growth while reducing water volume and production downtime.
-Withstand high mechanical loading - High chemical and mechanical resistance - Withstand vapor cleaning without being damaged - Able to withstand temperatures even above 100°C degrees - Water absorption less than 0,05% - Small areas can be repaired without any visual signs - Estimated products lifespan 30 years, If maintained properly - Thickness of 15-18 mm or more - Resistant to abrasion and absolute stain resistance - no impregnation, no glazing necessary