Construction completed on series of new HB Grandi trawlers

Construction on three new trawlers for Icelandic company HB Grandi has wrapped.

The newly-minted vessels in question will serve to replace currently operating ships Asbjorn RE 50, Sturlaugur H. Bodvarsson AK10 and Otto N. Thorlaksson 203. The new boats include Engey 9, Akurey AK 10 and Vioey RE 50; all were built at the Celiktrans Deniz Insaat yard in Turkey.

Greater operational efficiency is expected out of the vessels. The group also hopes that the new ship additions will consume less oil and thus drive down costs.

Financing for the vessels comes in partnership with Islandsbanki hf. and DNB Bank ASA, as well as with refinancing of existing loans.


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