American shad, the largest member of the herring family, is widely con­sidered the tastiest of the world’s 31 shad species; the species name (sapidissima) means “most delicious.” Shad is a seasonal novelty on restaurant menus, and shad bakes are a rite of spring in many Mid-Atlantic communi­ties. John McPhee’s 2002 book The Founding Fish, which recounts a wealth of shad lore and eulogizes the fish’s role in America’s history, fueled a surge in the fish’s popularity with anglers and diners. Shad roe, the ripe eggs of the female fish, has been lauded as the “foie gras” of seafood.The species is anadromous, living at sea and migrating up rivers only to spawn. During spawning runs, fish are commercially caught with gillnets. Market size is typically is 3 to 5 pounds. Key fisheries are on the eastern U.S. coast, from Florida to Maine, with the biggest spawning runs in the Hudson River. Although shad is abundant along the Pacific Coast, there are no major commercial fisheries there due to concerns for native salmon. Dams, pollu­tion, overfishing and predation have decimated the East Coast commercial shad fishery. Restoration efforts, including the phase-out of coastal inter­cept fishing, are ongoing.