The bottom-dwelling, kite-shaped skate is found worldwide in temperate and cold waters as well as in deep, tropical waters. Skates are taken with longlines and gillnets, both as a targeted fishery and as bycatch. Fresh skate landed in winter is considered the best. Only the wings of the skate are eaten. It was long believed that skate wings were cut up and sold as scallops. However, experts note that the skate’s cartilage would make the process economically infeasible. Like sharks, skates have no bones, but rather a skeleton of cartilage. Most skates are brown or grayish. Skates are commercially harvested on both coasts of North America.  East Coast skates include the clearnose (R. eglanteria), barndoor (R. laevis), little skate (R. erinacea), winter skate (R. ocellata) and the thorny skate (R. radiata). Pacific Coast skates include the big skate (R. binoculata), California skate (R. inornata) and the longnose skate (R. rhina), among others.