Kelsey Test SS Webinar 1 | Product


2018 saw great uncertainty and volatility in tariff levels for the seafood trade and increasingly significant changes in US legislation such as the SIMP program. Even as seafood companies scrambled to cope with these shifting trends, several high-profile cases of fraud all combined to cast an even brighter spotlight on traceability issues in the industry.  Through all of this uncertainty, one fact is increasingly clear – the coming year will see ever increasing demands for even more authentication about the legality and ethics of seafood. Only through digitization of records to trace where fish were caught or harvested can we remove the gaps to restore consumer confidence, meet regulatory and retailer compliance, and provide proof of origin for tariff reduction in internationally traded seafood products. But digital traceability is only part of the picture. Technology to manage and monitor this information has moved forward at an exponential rate over the last 5 years and will continue to do so.

Using findings from Maritech’s collaborative Digital Seafood Innovation Lab and highlighting case studies from leading edge seafood businesses, this webinar will explain how to ensure digitalization of records, secure data transfer and traceability within the supply chain and enable seafood businesses to increase collaboration with their partners, become more efficient in their day-to-day operations and use their data to become highly effective at getting the job done through digital traceability, digitalization and analytics.