Key Drivers Shaping Sustainable Value Chains in the Fishing Industry | Product


Sustainability is the mega trend of our time. Climate change and resource depletion are impacting all industries, the Fishing industry included. The transformation towards a more sustainable future started with consumers and customers expect improved sustainability performance and concrete actions along the value chains. The sustainability driven regulatory development is accelerating the transformation and forcing industries to adopt more sustainable practices. One of the key challenges for the fishing industry is to scale up the use of renewable materials in their value chains e.g. reduction of plastic packaging. According to the European Commission plastics make up 80-85% of marine litter by count, and a substantial part of that is single-use plastics. The single-use plastics directive is for instance designed to address this type of global problems and it is up to the industry to adapt to the change. Early adopters of sustainable solutions will be the winners of the future. Companies that are responsive to these expectations, and have the ability to adapt and adjust to these increasing requirements early on will obtain significant business advantages. In our presentation, we will share the sustainability trends and how they are impacting the fishing industry value chains. We will support this with practical examples from the perspective of customers, consumers, as well as regulators.