Chris Chase


Chris Chase is the Portland, Maine-based associate editor of SeafoodSource. Previously, he worked covering local issues at the Coastal Journal in Bath, Maine, where he won multiple awards from the Maine Press Association for his news coverage and food reviews. Chris is a graduate of the University of Maine, and got his start in writing by serving as a reporter and later the State Editor of The Maine Campus, an award-winning campus newspaper.

Author Archive

Published on
May 29, 2024

The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) has extended exclusions to certain tariffs on seafood products from China while also signaling some products will soon be added to the list. 

The USTR announced some exclusions originally set to expire on 31 May 2024 will be extended through 31 May 2025, while others will only be granted a “transition period,” extending those tariff exclusions through 14 June. 

Tariffs related to the

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Published on
May 29, 2024

In 2013, the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Oceans identified the need for an industry-driven effort to create an interoperable framework on seafood traceability.

Over a decade later, the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST) is closing in on that goal. 

GDST released its first standard during a session at Seafood Expo North America in 2020, establishing its first set of guidelines for seafood companies

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