This is the week of bounty for the global seafood industry, as consumers around the world turn to the important protein to celebrate the Christmas holiday. Seafood buyers and sellers alike will be tallying their holiday returns and then celebrating with staff and families.
Looking back on the past year's events, there's a lot to celebrate. From the passage of the reforms to the Common Fisheries Policy to the extension of sustainable certification for wild and farmed species and increased use of traceability measures for seafood buyers, many aspects of the industry have made progress this year.
SeafoodSource also has a lot to celebrate this holiday season: This year brought the relaunch of our site and expanded elements such as staff commentaries, introduction of SeafoodSourceTV, webinars and white papers. One of the site's new features is a story comment function that's designed to let our global readers provide constructive feedback. I encourage you to test the comment tool if you haven't already done so. Our social community via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn grows daily and is yet another way for our readers to share and give feedback on our coverage.
Our news staff will be off on Christmas, but will be back in the office Thursday. Wishing you joy this holiday season.