Aquaculture Stewardship Council signs MoU with Sustainable Fisheries Partnership

Chris Ninnes and Jim Cannon signing

On 25 April, the Aquaculture Stewardship Council signed a memorandum of understanding with the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership at the 2023 Seafood Expo Global in Barcelona, Spain.

The objective of the agreement is to share data and align systems between the two seafood sustainability-focused organizations. According to a press release from the two groups, that work will include finding  innovative ways to work together partnership,to advance their shared goal of reduceing the global aquaculture industry's environmental footprint. 

“We are excited to explore new ways of collaborating with SFP, [with whom] we have [had] a longstanding and successful history of partnership for many years," ASC CEO Chris Ninnes said. "By working together on scaling our efforts in the aquaculture improvement space, enhancing the sustainability of the reduction fisheries sector based on ASC feed standard requirements and coordinating our market-engagement efforts, we aim to leverage our shared work with farmers, feed suppliers, and other stakeholders.” 

Ninnes said the MoU will also see the organizations collaborate with their corporate partners to improve the ASC's feed standard requirements, and to connect them to the Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients, an initiative organized by SFP.

“Our collaboration is a powerful opportunity to increase sustainable aquaculture production,” SFP Founder and CEO Jim Cannon said. “With the ASC, we can innovate and enhance the scope of aquaculture improvement projects so that more producers can improve practices, more government regulators can strengthen governance, and more buyers can find meaningful ways to engage and support improvements.” 

Photo courtesy of ASC


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