An Ecuadorian shrimp supplier has secured the highest achievement within the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) third-party certification program – the coveted four-star status.
The supplier, Omarsa S.A., is the first of its kind in Ecuador to earn a 4-star BAP status, and the second company in all of Latin America to be able to offer such highly vetted, BAP-approved shrimp.
All processing plants, farms, hatcheries and feed mills tied to Omarsa’s products have been BAP-certified, including the company’s feed sources, Inbalnor S.A. in Ecuador and Vitapro S.A. in Peru, which were BAP-certified last year. Meanwhile, Omarsa’s processing plant, two of its farms — Cachugran and Puna — and its hatchery, Mar Bravo, have been BAP certified since 2007.
“Having 3-star BAP status for our processing plant, farms and hatchery was an achievement we celebrated years ago. Having our entire aquaculture production chain BAP certified is a whole new level we can proudly announce to all of our customers. This next step shows our commitment to a sustainable production that includes environmental and social responsibility, food safety, animal welfare and traceability,” said Sandro Coglitore, CEO of Omarsa S.A.
“We are so pleased to see Omarsa achieve 4-star BAP certification,” added Peter Redmond, BAP’s VP of market development.
“This is such a great indication to the marketplace of true leadership, commitment and doing the 'right thing,’ not to mention the internal commitment of the company from top to bottom. It’s real change on the water demonstrated by a long-time BAP supporter. We are proud of Omarsa’s achievement.”
At the close of February 2016, the tally for worldwide BAP-certified processing plans, farms, hatcheries and feed mills reached 1,172.