APICDA and Atka Acquire Crab Quotas, Form Company

The Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association (APICDA) of Anchorage, Alaska, on Friday announced it purchased the western Aleutian Islands golden king crab processor quota from Unisea, Royal Aleutian Seafoods and Westward Seafoods, a move that will bring crab processing to Atka.

In addition, APICDA and Atxam Corp., the Native American village corporation for Atka, formed a new company. The Aleutian Crab Co. will custom process the crab in Atka first on an at-sea processing vessel and then at Atka Pride Seafoods' land-based facility. Under the current crab quota for Aleutian Islands golden king crab, the acquisition by both entities is in excess of 600,000 pounds, and the companies expect to generate more than $90,000 annually in taxes.

"All of this crab should be viewed as an Atka community asset," says APICDA CEO Larry Cotter. "Long term, this will provide greater opportunity for local residents to participate in these fisheries and greater economic stability for Atka. As a CDQ corporation dedicated to developing stable local economies in our communities, we are proud to be able to bring these assets to Atka."

Atka Pride Seafoods is a joint venture owned equally by APICDA and the Atka Fishermen's Association. The company buys and processes halibut and sablefish harvested by Atka residents.

The Aleutian Islands golden king crab fishery runs from Aug. 15 to May 15. The 2008-09 quota was set earlier this month at 5.985 million pounds, up from 5.7 million pounds in 2007-08. The quota is split between the eastern Aleutian Islands (3.15 million pounds) and the western Aleutian Islands (2.835 million pounds), and 10 percent of the total quota is allocated to the Community Development Quota.


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