Vietnamese seafood group VASEP to host roundtable on pangasius at Seafood Expo Global

Vietnam’s seafood association VASEP and senior officials from the country’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) will host a press conference and meet-up at Seafood Expo Global in Brussels, Belgium with the goal of addressing emerging issues in the international perception of pangasius, one of the industry’s chief exports.

The press conference will take place from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in the Brussels Exposition Center on 25 April. 

“Over the last few months, the Vietnamese pangasius industry was once again hit by negative press in the European market. Ironically, it is one of the most tightly regulated fish industries in the world, meeting ever more stringent requirements for the U.S. market, and offering a uniquely sustainable fish to feed the world,” VASEP said in a press release. “That's why we believe the industry deserves better, and we continue to excel to achieve that international recognition.”

Vietnam’s pangasius production and exports have been hit hard by multiple issues in recent months. In January 2017, supermarket chain Charrefour ceased sales of pangasius in France, Spain and Belgium, citing environmental concerns. 

Vietnam also faces a major threat to its pangasius exports to the United States in the form of increased inspections. On 1 September, new rules go into effect requiring all pangasius imports to the U.S. to be inspected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Updated standards will required USDA inspectors will investigate all stages of the pangasius production chain in Vietnam, from egg to final packaged product. Currently, Vietnam produces about 90 percent of the pangasius sold in the United States. 

VASEP said its representatives will also be available to discuss pangasius and other Vietnamese seafood products at its booth in the Vietnam pavilion in Hall 9, stand 4059-4065 throughout the expo. 


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