Ed Cassano

Ed Cassano is the owner and principal of ERC Consulting, a company primarily focused on assisting all sectors of the seafood supply chain to deploy sustainable seafood initiatives.  Formerly the Senior Director of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Conservation Outreach Division, Ed directed the Seafood Watch Program (SFW) leading the program’s major seafood buyer program and establishing partnerships between some of the leading seafood distributors, retailers and foodservice companies in the U.S.   Ed participated on the leadership committee of the Alliance for Seafood Solutions, a collaborative effort of 15 leading environmental organizations working on sustainable seafood in North America. 

Ed is also the founder and CEO of Integrated Marine Education and Research Expeditions, a nonprofit focused on building sustainable communities in North America. Built around the excitement and sense of discovery of a scientifically oriented expedition, the InMER model of social change combines and integrates social marketing, public relations, policy dialogues, educational programming, outreach activities and products to build sustainable communities around the world.

Ed’s previous experience includes opening the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum as its Executive Director, serving as Vice President of Explorations & Expeditions for the Ocean Futures Society, serving as Vice President of Programs & Exhibits at the Aquarium of the Pacific, and 14 years as a commissioned officer with the Department of Commerce, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. He has participated in many multi-disciplinary scientific missions and various marine research programs concerned with fisheries and natural resource management, and has a long history in sustainable ocean management.


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