Editor’s picks: Boston bound

Here’s a look back on this week’s top SeafoodSource stories.

With this year’s International Boston Seafood Show barely a week away, SeafoodSource readers’ interest was piqued when the unveiling of finalists of the Seafood Excellence awards (formerly the New Products competition) were announced. The annual competition for both foodservice and retail markets is gaining esteem and the winners are clearly reaping the benefits.

More IBSS news drew readers’ attention with Mary Larkin’s blog on the new generation of seafood buyers’ take on trade shows, and Phillips Foods’ announcement that it will unveil four new products on the show floor. 

In his column, “What will become of Vietnamese pangasius,” SeafoodSource Contributing Editor Mike Urch explored what would happen if Vietnamese pangasius producers follow the example of Thai shrimp farmers and pay off their U.S. counterparts, money that would otherwise go to the U.S. government in the form of antidumping duties. In return, U.S. catfish farmers would stop lobbying their government to erect trade barriers.

Cooke Aquaculture talked to SeafoodSource about how its salmon farming operations were affected by an 8.8 magnitude earthquake that rocked Chile and left more than 700 people dead.

James Wright, SeaFood Business associate editor, stood up for workers in his home state of Maine when he penned his column “End of an(other) era,” on the closure of the last sardine cannery standing on U.S. soil, which will leave 128 employees without jobs once its doors close next month.

rally held last week to protest against the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s red snapper fishing ban that drew 4,000 fishermen and industry insiders saw results this week. Congressmen are proposing several bills to overturn the ban.

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