Chinese freshwater aquaculture researchers have flown to Brazil to share ideas as part of a cooperation project. Led by Wan Yi Bing, deputy director at the Wuxi-based Freshwater Fisheries Research Center (FFRC), the delegation visited carp and tilapia facilities across Brazil, including the tilapia seedling center run by BRUNO and FABNCA carp facilities.
The project is a link-up between the Brazilian Department of Industry and Commerce and the China’s Aquatic Bureau. Under the agreement, the Chinese and Brazilian side will share research on seed and water quality.
Also on the trip, Meng Shun Long, director of China’s Environmental Protection Department, delivered two lectures to Brazilian aquaculture officials, including Brazil’s secretary of state for fisheries and aquaculture, Dayvson Franklin.
While in Brazil, the Chinese side also researched labor costs and marketing as well as market opportunities for tilapia in the country.