Sodexo buying more MSC-, BAP-certified fish

Sodexo on Monday released its first performance-based sustainability report.

According to the new report, from 2009 to 2010, the foodservice provider’s contracted purchases of Marine Stewardship Council- or Best Aquaculture Practices-certified seafood products increased from 31 percent of the total to 43 percent.

The report covers three key areas: environmental performance, healthy and sustainable food systems and communities. The majority of the report formally establishes a baseline against which progress in a wide range of areas can be measured for subsequent reports.

“Issuing our first performance-based sustainability report was a huge undertaking, but one that we see as equally large in its importance for moving our industry in the direction of greater environmental responsibility and accountability,” said Arlin Wasserman, Sodexo’s VP of sustainability in Gaithersburg, Md. “It’s a key step in tracking our progress, and we are already working to improve our measurement capabilities in order to deliver even more robust and transparent reporting to our clients, customers, and other stakeholders.”


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