Farmed fish study examines effects on human health

Researchers at the University of Aberdeen are conducting a study to compare the effects on human health of eating farmed salmon fed two different diets.

The study will examine whether feeding farmed fish a more sustainable feed containing more vegetable oils but less omega-3 fatty acids, and possibly other nutrients, has any impact on potential health benefits in consumers.

Commissioned by the Scottish government’s Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Devision, Aberdeen University’s Rowett Institute of Nutrition of Health will assess how pressures from sustainability on methods of production mat affect the health giving properties of fish.

The Fish Dish Study will use Marine Harvest salmon raised on the West Coast of Scotland. The different fish feeds will be developed and prepared by BioMar. The study will launch in February and researchers are recruiting healthy male and female study volunteers now.

“…The world demand for seafood and fish oil is predicted to grow over the next several decades, putting a strain on seafood and fish oil supplies,” said Baukje de Ross, lead scientist for the study. “This means that farmed fish will be raised partly on vegetable oils rather than fish oils and this might reduce the content of omega-3 and other important nutrients, thereby reducing potential health benefits for consumers.”


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