The fishing firms belonging to Peru’s National Fisheries Society (SNP) have delivered PEN 5.7 million (USD 1.7 million, EUR 1.5 million) in help and social support to aid in the country’s struggle in dealing with the spread of COVID-19.
“As a society, the Coronavirus has us facing one of the most challenging moments in our history. Today there is only room for union, solidarity and joint work between the state, companies and society as a whole," SNP President Cayetana Aljovín said.
Contributions from associated companies, including Austral Group, CFG Investment-Copeinca, Hayduk Corporación, Kristal Group, Pesquera Cantabria, Pesquera Caral, Pesquera Centinela, Pacífico Centro, Pesquera Diamante, Pesquera Exalmar, Pesquera ISA, Pesquera Pelayo, and TASA include the donation of PEN 810,250 (USD 240,000, EUR 220,000) to the National Confederation of Private Enterprise’s (CONFIEP) Business Emergency Fund, for the purchase of artificial respirators for the treatment of patients with the most serious symptoms of the illness.
The companies have also collectively delivered more than 121,000 kilograms of food, including basic products and fish, to the benefit of over 245,000 people in the fishing firms’ areas of activity, including Chimbote, Puerto Malabrigo, Chancay, Supe and Pisco. The companies also donated safety kits for healthcare workers, as well as cleaning and disinfection products such as bleach, alcohol, liquid soap, paper and filtered water.
And companies have extended loans to fishing industry employees for more than PEN 2.3 million (USD 682,000, EUR 624,000), as well as putting the repayment of debts from previous loans on hold, and in some cases making advanced cash payments.
Previous to the coronavirus outbreak, the SNP had partnered with government health organization EsSalud, to launch a campaign looking to combat childhood anemia in the country's fishing areas. In a first stage, the so-called “Armada de Hierro” (iron navy) campaign focused on fishing company employees’ children, but work was underway to reach an agreement with the Health Ministry to extend coverage to the children who live in the zones of influence of fishing activity.
The name of the campaign referred to the benefitting areas’ ties to the sea, as well as the fact that the most common type of anemia is due to iron deficiency. It is treatable with diet changes and iron supplements.
Photo courtesy of National Fisheries Society