5 top seafood dishes from Washington-based chef Kevin Davis

Geoduck ceviche

“They are one of the true delicacies of the Pacific Northwest, along with abalone, spot prawns, wild king salmon, and black cod,” Davis declared of the local geoduck (pronounced gooey-duck). “It’s highly prized around the world, but rarely makes it to plates here which is a real shame.”

To prepare the ceviche, Davis first blanches the geoduck in boiling salted water for about 10 to 15 seconds, then refreshes them in a large bowl of ice. He then cuts through the adductor muscle, removing the shell. After removing the visceral ball, he pulls the loose skin from the syphon and forces water down the neck to clean out any sandy grit. 

Davis likes to take the syphon and prepare it sashimi or ceviche style. If he has an over-abundance, he’ll use it in his chowder. The mantle he pounds out – similar to preparing a paillard – then flours and sautés it until golden. It’s all served with a little lemon, caper and butter sauce.

The most recent Geoduck Ceviche, Davis served with lemon, pickled onion, roasted beets, avocadoes, and arugula. He sourced the geoduck from Jamestown Seafood, which is based in Port Angeles, and harvest both geoduck and oysters from Sequim Bay.

Photo courtesy of the Canyon River Grill


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