Errigal Seafood gets Irish Exporter award

The Irish Exporters Association this week honored Ireland’s largest seafood processor and exporter with the association’s seafood exporter of the year award.

Errigal Seafood, a seafood processor and exporter of shellfish products with a turnover of EUR 26 million (USD million), is the 2012 recipient of the award, which recognizes seafood companies that “have made significant progress in securing and building export markets for Irish seafood,” according to a release.

The company, celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, is a shellfish specialist with a range of products, including tertiary processed branded prepackaged shellfish products such as crab, crab claws, whelks, lobster, winkles, scallops, shrimp and prawns.

Colin Lawlor, President of the Irish Exporters Association, speaking at the awards ceremony, said that Irish exporters, despite the current global economic uncertainty, are still managing to show credible growth.

“At the Irish Exporters Association we believe that exports will continue to be the driving force that will bring Ireland out its economic doldrums,” Lawlor said.   


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