is pleased to welcome Sean Murphy as its new online editor. His responsibilities include writing news content, editing freelance contributions and planning premium content for the site’s members.
Murphy has a career in journalism that spans over 14 years, working as a writer and editor in a variety of markets, from small-town newspapers like Foster’s Daily Democrat to big-city dailies such as the Boston Herald to business media. His stories have covered topical current events and long-term in-depth projects covering the issues behind the headlines. More recently, as the associate editor of Supply Chain Management Review, a corporate management magazine, Murphy wrote and edited pieces for print and the website.
SeafoodSource launched in 2009 as a global resource for seafood news and information. The website’s more than 36,000 subscribers hail from more than 210 countries worldwide. The site is owned by Diversified Business Communications, producer of seafood expositions worldwide, including the inaugural Seafood Barcelona that launches this week.