Pirate fishing bill goes to U.S. senate

Two bills sponsored by U.S. Sen. Mark Begich were passed by the Senate Commerce Committee today and are headed next to the Senate floor. While one dealing with Genetically Engineered (GE) salmon was pulled from the agenda when it appeared the measure would fall one vote short of passage, a measure cracking down on illegal fishing and one supporting NOAA Corps moved forward.

“Alaskans have serious concerns about Genetically Engineered salmon – I call them Frankenfish – but other Senators had concerns about my bill, and reluctantly I decided to pull from today’s markup to save the fight for a another day,” Begich said.

But Begich was pleased the Committee favorably reported the Pirate Fishing Elimination Act, (S. 1980) sponsored by Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-HI) and co-sponsored by Begich.

“Pirate fishing is a multi-billion dollar industry that mocks laws for fisheries conservation and seafood safety, hurts legitimate fishermen in the marketplace, and at its worst, even holds its workers as slaves,” Begich said. “Pirate fishing is a serious problem and this legislation is a serious way to fight back.”

Click here to read the full story from Alaska Business Monthly >


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