The Southeast Alaska summer commercial Dungeness crab season closed on Friday, and it was one of the “most successful in recent history,” according to the Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game (ADFG).
The total summer harvest is likely to be around 4 million pounds, the largest since 2002 and a 142 percent increase from last summer’s haul.
Fishermen benefited from a relatively high ex-vessel price of around USD 3 (EUR 2.24) per pound. The fishery’s total value is estimated at USD 11 million (EUR 8.2 million), making the summer 2014 season one of the most lucrative in history.
The fall season opens 1 October in most of Southeast Alaska and if historic harvest trends hold true, crabbers will likely harvest around 1 million additional pounds before the fall season closes in most areas at the end of November.