The 2022 Seafood Expo North America, which took place 13 to 15, March in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., and the 2022 Seafood Expo Global, 26 to 28 April, 2022, in Barcelona, Spain, featured a comprehensive conference program of live panel events focusing on topics chosen to be of vital interest to the seafood industry.
The 28 individual presentations from SENA and the 21 sessions from SEG featured exclusive information and insight from seafood industry experts, including economic forecasts and analysis on the trends and topics impacting the global seafood industry as it navigates issues of trade, food safety, traceability, aquaculture, sustainability, and consumption trends. Now, a video recording of each of these sessions is available for on-demand replay.
Featuring NOAA's Kate Naughten, Danielle Blacklock, Alexa Cole, Janet Coit, Paul Doremus, and Rick Spinrad, “3 Ways To Incorporate a Diversity and Inclusion Program To Benefit Your Business” is available free for SeafoodSource Premium members, or for individual purchase to non-Premium members for USD 45. It was presented on Sunday, 13 March, 2022, with the following description:
NOAA Fisheries works closely with fishing and seafood stakeholders to ensure resilient marine fisheries in the U.S. and to strengthen the seafood industry. Ultimately, our goals include expanding domestic seafood supply, leveling the playing field on trade, and modernizing policies and infrastructure for a more efficient seafood supply chain. During this session, participants will hear from NOAA leadership about the agency’s top priorities under the Biden-Harris Administration, including supporting economic and environmental resiliency of our coastal communities by providing the seafood industry with the critical resources needed for generating greater demand for U.S. seafood.
The entire package of videos from SENA and the entire package of videos from SEG can each be purchased for USD 250, but all are free to SeafoodSource Premium members.