Pre-Competitive Partnerships: A Driver for Sustainability in the Seafood Sector | Product


Herman Wisse, GSSI

Martin Exel, SeaBOS
Jim Leape, Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions
Tom Pickerell, Global Tuna Alliance (GTA) International Seafood Sustainability
Foundation (ISSF)

Global partnerships, such as the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI), the Global Tuna Alliance (GTA), and SeaBOS individually bring together a dynamic range of significant stakeholders in a pre-competitive effort to tackle the seafood sectors’ complex sustainability challenges. Through collaboration, transparency, and the exchange of knowledge, these partnerships can together create joint solutions to the world’s seafood challenges and work towards a healthy ocean for future generations. Join us for a round table discussion to explore the benefits, impacts, and challenges of pre-competitive partnerships in the seafood industry.

The panel will investigate topics such as:

  • What are the opportunities pre-competitive partnerships provide to the seafood industry?
  • How can pre-competitive partnerships help accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030?
  • How do different pre-competitive collaborations work together and amplify their impact?
  • What value do pre-competitive partnerships provide to suppliers and retailors in the seafood sector?