Ecuador’s Sustainable Shrimp Partnership publishes first sustainability report

SSP Director Pamela Nath
SSP Director Pamela Nath launched the Sustainability Report at SustainED in Ecuador | Photo courtesy of Sustainable Shrimp Partnership
2 Min

The Sustainable Shrimp Partnership (SSP) has published its first Sustainability Report, which covers 2023 data.

The report, which was produced in collaboration with 13 SSP member companies, demonstrates key milestones achieved by the partnership, including zero use of antibiotics, conservation of natural resources, promotion of traceability certifications, inclusion of small producers in sustainable value chains, and advocacy for fair wages and labor transparency.

SSP Director Pamela Nath said that she expects the report to urge the Ecuadorian shrimp sector toward adopting more sustainable practices on a wider scale.

“Our report seeks not only to demonstrate compliance with global best practices but also to inspire other companies in the sector to report their sustainability progress," she said. "This document tells a story that reflects how every decision and collective effort brings us closer to a sustainable future.”

SSP launched the report on 5 December 2025 in Guayaquil, Ecuador, as part of the SustainED program – a sustainability education event for the shrimp industry.

Leaders of the Ecuadorian shrimp sector, including Grupo Almar, Corporación Lanec, Omarsa, Promarisco, Songa, BASF, BioMar, DSM-Firmenic, Houdek, Inve Aquaculture, MSD Animal Health, Skretting, and Nicovita, participated in the production of the report.

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