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February 22, 2018

Seafood sustainability today is not what it was 20 years ago, or even what it was last week. Such a complex, shifting landscape requires the seafood industry to adopt an equally robust and flexible navigation system of tools, resources and concepts if it wishes to stay in step with the quickly-developing sector. But this is not a one-size-fits-all scenario – depending on where your business falls along the supply chain, and what you hope

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January 25, 2018

A proposal to develop what could possibly be the world’s largest gold and copper mine, which was shelved during the administration of former U.S. President Barack Obama, recently received a fresh lease on life under the administration of President Donald Trump, a champion of increased domestic mining. In October, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced it would reconsider the project, and in December, the company that wants to

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December 14, 2017

NOAA’s annual “Fisheries of the United States” report is a treasure trove of data on the state of U.S. fisheries, seafood imports and exports, and domestic consumption. This year’s report, released at the end of October, revealed new insights about commercial fisheries’ landings, the value of the U.S. seafood processing industry, domestic aquaculture production, per capita consumption of fishery products, and the

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November 16, 2017

University of Washington School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Professor Ray Hilborn is considered one of the foremost fisheries researchers in the world. In this webinar, Hilborn will discuss his latest study, which disputes previous findings on the impact of human and natural predation on forage fish such as anchovies, sardines, and herring.

Forage fish are some of the most abundant exploited species in the sea and provide vital food security

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October 26, 2017

Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing has been recently brought to a new level of public awareness, with retailers and seafood buyers realizing their purchasing power to influence policies that ensure the fish they trade in is legally sourced. In this webinar, Huw Thomas, a senior officer with the Pew Charitable Trusts’ Ending Illegal Fishing Project, will discuss how policy implementation, like the Food and Agriculture

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September 21, 2017

Long a revered culinary tradition in Japan, sushi is now a global phenomenon. Sushi-focused restaurants can now be found in every corner of the United States and Europe, and most urban areas around the world, from Buenos Aires to Brisbane to Beijing. But sushi’s very popularity may be endangering its future, as some of the fish species sushi is best known for featuring – including bluefin tuna, grouper, and snapper – are

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August 17, 2017

The ability to track and trace products throughout the entire supply chain has become of paramount importance to the seafood industry, as consumers have become increasingly interested in transparency, authentication, food safety, and sustainability. In this webinar, Michele Southall, industry engagement director for GS1 US, a nonprofit organization that develops and maintains global standards for business communication, will discuss how supply

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July 20, 2017

In June, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, a nonprofit dedicated to reducing the environmental and social impacts of fishing and fish farming, launched “Target 75,” an initiative setting the goal of seeing 75 percent of the world’s seafood sourced sustainably or improving toward sustainability by 2020. In this webinar, SFP Communications Manager Sean Murphy will detail his organization’s efforts to get seafood buyers and

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June 29, 2017

Social issues in the tuna supply chain are at the forefront of discussions about sustainability in the seafood industry, and increasing attention is being paid to working conditions both in tuna processing and within the purse-seiner fleet. In this webinar, Marcelo Hidalgo, founder of Seafoodmatter, a Netherlands-based independent advisory company specialized in integrated quality and supply chain management, will review the status of

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May 18, 2017

Aquaculture is a critical part of the answer of how we will feed our world in the future. But when it comes to consumers, talking about aquaculture sometimes feels like swimming against the current, according to Jacqueline Claudia, co-founder of LoveTheWild, a Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.-based start-up that makes and sells cook-from-frozen fish kits. In this webinar, Claudia will discuss the ins and outs of building her company’s brand

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