
August 30, 2021

For the first six months of 2021, frozen seafood has experienced “the growth trifecta every category dreams of,” according to 210 Analytics Principal Anne-Marie Roerink. It’s a dream that has been years in the making for the seafood industry, and one that is likely to last in a post-pandemic world as new and traditional retail channels diversify and global foodservice advances deeper into its recovery.

In this download,

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July 21, 2021

As industry trends force seafood processors to reevaluate their strategies, data will play a critical role in their success in the coming decade. Companies can no longer rely on manual entry, collection, and analysis – by the time data has been sourced, it is no longer accurate. Without data, there is no telling if a company has veered off course nor what corrections need to be made.

Learn how to:

  • Provide greater visibility into
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June 8, 2021

Modern seafood processors must grapple with shifting consumer behaviors, tighter government regulations, shrinking margins, new technologies and the skills gap shortage. Yet, many are not prepared to deal with these new realities. This eBook Series will address:

  • Changing consumer preferences toward transparency in processing
  • Handling tighter regulations with technology
  • Using data to your advantage
  • How to manage mergers and
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April 29, 2021

With a growing emphasis on sustainability impacting the seafood industry, improving the overall environmental impact of the supply chain and reducing waste grows more important every day. While effective at maintaining cold temperatures, foam is a major contributor of waste in the seafood supply chain and others and is said to take up 30% of landfill space overall. It is critically important that the seafood industry replaces foam with more

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April 1, 2021

The NMFS (National Marine Fishery Council) has cut the North Atlantic scallop quota for the second year in a row. How will this effect availability, sizes, and prices in the year ahead?

This Scallop Market Factbook includes an outlook on the 2021 season based on the details of the quota and historical data, including recent pricing data by size, 70 years of landing data, and decades of import and export data.

The more you know about

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January 21, 2020

Global demand for bivalves — including the consumption of raw shellfish — has outpaced supply, providing excellent growth opportunities.  Shellfish are filter feeders and toxins in the surrounding waters can cause a variety of illnesses in humans.  

Given these risks, the harvesting and traceability processes are strictly regulated by state health departments. This whitepaper discusses best practices and National Shellfish

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November 4, 2019

Taking an agile approach to fish processing is key to increasing yield and production speed, while also minimizing waste and labor costs. And as technology continues to advance at a rapid rate, there are always new opportunities to further streamline processes and operate with greater accuracy and efficiency. This eGuide examines how automation and insights from real-time data enable operators to respond faster to

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November 4, 2019

Fish processing is changing. With the global population rising, consumer demands changing, and fresh produce more in demand than ever, processors are having to update their approach to remain relevant. This eGuide explores how taking an agile approach to processing is key to increasing yield and production speed while also minimizing waste and labor

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October 7, 2019

Regal Springs

This white paper examines the shifting preferences of today’s seafood shopper and offers insights for operators looking to source their fish in sustainable ways. By interpreting valuable market data, examining the practices of industry leader Regal Springs and offering insights from renowned Chef Andrew Gruel, this piece empowers retailers to serve delicious fish with full confidence that it’s been sourced the right

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July 6, 2015

swss-aquaculture.JPGThe world’s population is expected to increase to 9 billion over the next 25 years.

Key questions arise from this growth. For instance, how will the seafood industry adapt to these changes? How can production be increased in a sustainable manner and what are the obstacles to sustainable growth?

In this whitepaper, experts Michael Tlusty, Ph.D., and Neil Sims discuss aquaculture's role in accommodating substantial growth. Topics

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