Christian Molinari

Christian Molinari

Contributing Editor

A native of San Francisco, Christian Molinari has lived and worked in Chile for over 20 years, after having arrived in Santiago as a volunteer and falling in love with the culture and its people. He covered business news in Latin America for over a decade, worked in communications at IBM Chile, and currently freelances in strategic communications and reporting.

Author Archive

Published on
April 10, 2023

Los Ángeles, Chile-based salmon farmer Salmones Austral has opened a cutting-edge recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) at its Los Arrayanes farming center.

The facility, situated in the Reloncavi estuary in the municipality of Cochamó in southern Chile’s Los Lagos region, cost an estimated USD 35 million (EUR 32.5 million) to build. Salmones Austral said it has a number of innnovations that will change the way it farms

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Published on
April 5, 2023

Chile’s government is stepping up its regulation of the country’s USD 6.6 billion (EUR 6.1 billion) a year salmon sector.

In recent months, the government has stepped up its regulatory oversight of overproduction and fish escapes across the country's salmon-farming industry.

Chile’s Superintendency of the Environment (SMA) has been more-actively investigating the country's salmon farmers and the amount of fish they are

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Published on
April 3, 2023

An earthquake that rocked Ecuador on 18 March has now been followed by several days of extreme rain and flooding that is expected to continue for several days, affecting the country’s multibillion-dollar shrimp sector.

The quake, which measured 6.5 on the Richter scale, caused the partial collapse of shrimp farms walls in the Bravito, Estero Huaylá, and Puerto Bolívar sectors, located in El Oro province. Ecuador’s

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Published on
March 28, 2023

Chinese foodservice giant Joyvio plans to file a USD 1.22 billion (EUR 1.13 billion) suit against the former owner of Puerto Varas, Chile-based Australis Seafoods, which it purchased in 2018 for USD 921 million (EUR 850 million).

Joyvio, a subsidiary of Legend Holdings which also owns the computer giant Lenovo, has accused businessman Isidoro Quiroga of allegedly withholding information regarding overproduction at the company’s farming

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Published on
March 21, 2023

Puerto Montt, Chile-based Ventisqueros was recently reported to be for sale, with several parties expressing interest in buying the company.

Ventisqueros has its own Atlantic and coho salmon operations in Southern Chile, employs approximately 1,400 people, and has annual salmonproduction of roughly 45,000 metric tons (MT). As reported by La Tercera, Dutch bank Rabobank led first-round talks with interested bidders that included an unnamed

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Published on
March 16, 2023

José Antonio Camposano, executive president of Ecuador’s National Chamber of Aquaculture (CNA), recently said the country’s shrimp farmers had a challenging year, despite record numbers in shrimp production and exports.

Rabobank’s latest aquaculture report, “What to Expect in the Aquaculture Industry in 2023,” predicted the global shrimp supply  will continue on its positive trajectory. The report

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Published on
February 27, 2023

Ecuador’s shrimp industry is a rising economic star both in the country and globally. The sector now produces more than USD 5 billion (EUR 4.6 billion) in annual exports and has solidified its position as the country’s second-largest industry after oil, building upon five decades of investments in infrastructure, genetics, and biosecurity.

On the surface, it would seem that in 2022, Ecuador’s shrimp sector continued along that

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Published on
February 24, 2023

The South American country of Peru boasts the largest fishery by volume in the world, catching several million metric tons (MT) of Peruvian anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) each year, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Nearly all of Peru’s capture and production of anchovy is used for the production of fishmeal – a prime ingredient for animal feed, particularly for farmed fish, poultry, pork and pets.

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Published on
February 8, 2023

The Chilean branch of Cooke Aquaculture is claiming it is being discriminated against by Chile’s Superintendency of the Environment (SMA), which the company says is affecting its operations in the country and for which it may seek international arbitration.

The impasse could potentially throw a wrench into the works for Chile’s USD 6 billion (EUR 5.5 billion) salmon-farming industry and harm the country’s reputation for having

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Published on
January 30, 2023

Chile’s salmon farms shipped a total of USD 6.6 billion (EUR 6.1 billion) in salmon and trout abroad in 2022, up 27.3 percent from the year before, the Chilean Salmon Council reported.

Salmon has traditionally been Chile’s second most-important export after copper (exports of USD 43.9 billion, EUR 40.3 billion in 2022), but in 2022, it was relegated to third place as demand rocketed up for lithium by an astounding 777 percent, with

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