Jason Holland

Jason Holland

Contributing Editor reporting from London, UK

London-based seafood writer and communications consultant Jason Holland has been a contributing editor to SeafoodSource.com since January 2010. Jason has more than 25 years of experience as a B2B journalist and editor – a career that has taken him all over the world. He believes he found his true professional calling in 2004 when he started documenting the many facets of the international seafood industry and he’s particularly proud of the strong, collaborative relationships he has formed at all stages of the supply chain.

Author Archive

Published on
February 8, 2023

With a plan to release around 100,000 juvenile lobsters annually, the new Whitby Lobster Hatchery, in North Yorkshire, U.K., is looking to use specially-tailored technologies to return a once thriving but now dilapidated fishery back to its former glory and boost local livelihoods in the process.

With degradation of the local marine environment significantly impacting the region’s European clawed lobster (Homarus gammarus) fishery, the

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Published on
February 7, 2023

When Russia first invaded Ukraine almost 12 months ago, the European Commission quickly provided appropriate measures and gave E.U. member-states new tools to mitigate the impacts of the conflict and the sanctions that were adopted across the bloc, according to the Market Advisory Council (MAC). However, E.U. member-states haven’t been as prompt in their implementations, it found in a newly-issued report.

Composed of organizations

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Published on
January 27, 2023

Farmed salmon is continuing to show its market resilience, and despite some easing of demand in Europe and the United States, prices will remain high in the first half of this year, albeit at lower levels than the peak seen in the corresponding period of 2022, according new analysis from the RaboResearch unit of Rabobank.

The bank’s report, “Global Aquaculture Update H1 2023,” compiled by Rabobank Senior Global Seafood

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Published on
January 27, 2023

With the aim of supplying European consumers with larger volumes of sustainable, Latin American shrimp, Netherlands-based shrimp importer Klaas Puul and global aquafeed manufacturer Skretting have embarked on a supply chain collaboration that will not only provide local farmers with a new diet that utilizes novel ingredients, but which also has a major retailer onboard.

Skretting Ecuador, alongside alternative ingredient developers Protix and

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Published on
January 20, 2023

Ensuring the long-term health and productivity of the world’s fisheries will require governments to both build up the stocks that fall short of their potential and to dispense with harmful subsidies that are providing a platform for unsustainable and illegal operations, according to a new report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Assessing the health and productivity of fish stocks and exploring how to

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Published on
January 16, 2023

Soaring production costs, declining exchange rates, and higher consumer and producer price indexes may force a reckoning when it comes to recent gains in global seafood consumption, according to Turenhout, a fisheries and trade expert with the Dutch Fish Federation (Visfederatie) and a member of the E.U. Fish Processors and Traders Association (AIPCE-CEP).

“Consumers have less to spend and that’s visible in the demand for seafood in

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Published on
January 13, 2023

An end to long-running tax cases against Samherji has been reached, with the fishing and fish-processing company and its associates agreeing to settlements with Iceland’s Revenue and Customs Office.

In a statement, Samherji confirmed its settlement involved the reimposition of tax on companies in its group for the operating years 2012 through 2018. Simultaneously, Iceland’s District Prosecutor has dropped criminal charges

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Published on
January 13, 2023

Soaring raw material costs are becoming a growing problem for Europe’s aquaculture industry and the broader retail value chain, according to speakers at a recent webinar organized by the European Commission’s European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture (EUMOFA),

In particular, Ireland’s salmon-farming industry, which is entirely focused on the delivery of organic products, is suffering as a result of higher prices

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Published on
January 12, 2023

The cost of raw materials for both fish processing and aquaculture production have soared across Europe this past year.

While prices were already high thanks to the effects and supply chain uncertainties created by the Covid-19 pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and the resulting international sanctions exacerbated the situation and sparked even more-dramatic increases for these essential inputs. Of almost equal

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Published on
January 6, 2023

Norway earned 25 percent more from its seafood exports in 2022, with its export total surprassing 2021's record value by NOK 30.7 billion (USD 3 billion, EUR 2.9 billion) to reach NOK 151.4 billion (USD 15 billion, EUR 14.1 billion).

The value of Norway's seafood exports have tripled since 2012, when the country’s seafood trade totaled NOK 47.7 billion (USD 4.7 billion, EUR 4.5 billion).

Despite the record value, Norway's total exported

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