Jason Holland

Jason Holland

Contributing Editor reporting from London, UK

London-based seafood writer and communications consultant Jason Holland has been a contributing editor to SeafoodSource.com since January 2010. Jason has more than 25 years of experience as a B2B journalist and editor – a career that has taken him all over the world. He believes he found his true professional calling in 2004 when he started documenting the many facets of the international seafood industry and he’s particularly proud of the strong, collaborative relationships he has formed at all stages of the supply chain.

Author Archive

Published on
February 7, 2024

Frøya, Norway-headquartered Måsøval and Norwegian authorities have both appealed a case that saw the company receive NOK 12.8 million (USD 1.2 million, EUR 1.1 million) in compensation for the misdiagnosis of PD SAV3 at one of its salmon-farming facilities in 2019. 

Måsøval announced the lawsuit against the state on 3 May 2023, seeking NOK 29.8 million (USD 2.8 million, EUR 2.6 million) in compensation for

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Published on
January 31, 2024

Global seafood demand per capita will continue to grow through 2050, with production growing exponentially to meet that demand, according to the “Seafood Forecast” compiled by Norwegian risk management and assurance firm Det Norske Veritas (DNV).

The firm’s latest report analyzes the interactions between seafood value chains and other food systems, between food security and growing supply-demand imbalances across different

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Published on
January 30, 2024

At the end of 2023, Julio Morón Ayala was named the chair of the Spanish Fisheries Confederation (CEPESCA) by its board of directors, replacing Juan Manuel Liria Franch, who retired after holding the position since 2020.

Morón has significant experience in fisheries work and has served in many capacities for several leading organizations, including as managing director of the Organization of Associated Producers of Large Freezer

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Published on
January 26, 2024

The E.U. fishing industry has largely praised a preliminary ruling made by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) regarding zero-catch advice, stressing that the decision positively considers the well-being of companies, the economy, and the people involved in the industry, as well as environmental concerns.

The ruling clarified that E.U. ministers break the law if they approve the overfishing of target stocks, but that bycatch stocks

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Published on
January 25, 2024

Farmed salmon has been trending downward in terms of its production by volume since 2021, with the total worldwide harvest falling to just over 2.86 million metric tons (MT) whole fish equivalent (WFE) in 2022, and then further still to 2.81 million MT last year as the main producing countries were hit by various biological challenges, according to Filip Szczesny, a senior financial analyst at Norwegian aquaculture and seafood data firm

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Published on
January 25, 2024

Norwegian land-based salmon farmer Gigante Salmon has reported that its second smolt batch release at its Rødøy facility in the north of the country was struck by a “significant mortality” event during the fourth quarter of 2023.

Delivering its Q4 2023 report, the company confirmed production of 640,000 smolt averaging 100 grams in weight. While the first delivery of this product “went very well,” the second

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Published on
January 23, 2024

Major Norwegian salmon farmers closed out 2023 on a strong note, with many posting either record-high Q4 2023 harvests and/or full-year 2023 harvests.

Bergen, Norway-headquartered salmon-farming firm Mowi harvested around 129,000 metric tons (MT) of gutted weight equivalent (GWE) farmed salmon in the closing quarter of 2023, rounding out a record full-year harvest of 475,000 MT for the world’s largest salmon farmer.

According to the

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Published on
January 22, 2024

Farmed salmon and fishmeal production is likely to stabilize worldwide in 2024 thanks to manageable increases in supply and slightly lower prices in both sectors, but it’s a very different story for farmed shrimp, with heavy oversupply, extremely low prices, and weaker than expected Chinese demand taking their toll going into the year, according to the latest industry report from Rabobank.

Compiled by Rabobank Senior Global Seafood

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Published on
January 10, 2024

Bakkafrost and Lerøy Seafood Group experienced biological challenges at the end of 2023, causing them to report lower-than-expected year-end harvests and adjust their operations.

Lerøy harvested 47,500 gutted-weight tons (GWT) farmed salmon and trout in the closing quarter of 2023 – a decrease of 5,800 MT when compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. This contributed to a lower total for the full year of

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Published on
January 9, 2024

In pure value terms, Norwegian seafood exporters had a banner year in 2023, posting a 14 percent, or NOK 20.7 billion (USD 2 billion, EUR 1.8 billion), increase in year-over-year trade value with overseas sales totals faring particularly well, coming in at NOK 172 billion (USD 16.6 billion, EUR 15.1 billion) – a tally that secures seafood’s position as the country’s second-largest export category behind oil and gas.


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