Jason Holland

Jason Holland

Contributing Editor reporting from London, UK

London-based seafood writer and communications consultant Jason Holland has been a contributing editor to SeafoodSource.com since January 2010. Jason has more than 25 years of experience as a B2B journalist and editor – a career that has taken him all over the world. He believes he found his true professional calling in 2004 when he started documenting the many facets of the international seafood industry and he’s particularly proud of the strong, collaborative relationships he has formed at all stages of the supply chain.

Author Archive

Published on
December 5, 2023

The European Council unanimously adopted a regulation on 27 November that concerns autonomous tariff quotas (ATQs) on certain fishery products coming into the Union from non-E.U. countries, along with rules for managing these quotas.

The regulation, which covers key whitefish species like cod, Alaska pollock, hake, shrimp, and cephalopods, will enter into effect starting 1 January 2024 and expire on 31 December 2026.

ATQs entail a complete

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Published on
December 4, 2023

After a successful inaugural harvest early in Q3 2023 and its next smolt restocking not expected until 2025, Norwegian land-based salmon producer Andfjord Salmon is now focusing its attention fully on the construction taking place to expand production at its Kvalnes facility, which should dramatically increase the company’s output capacity, CEO Martin Rasmussen said.

Delivering the company’s Q3 2023 results on 30 November, Rasmussen

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Published on
December 4, 2023

Global seafood supply is likely to rise next year, with key aquaculture production sectors returning to a period of growth after a turbulent 2023, according to new analysis compiled by the RaboResearch unit of Dutch financial services company Rabobank.

Summarizing key takeaways from Rabobank’s annual production survey with support from the Global Seafood Alliance, the report, “What to Expect in the Aquaculture Industry in

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Published on
November 29, 2023

Måsøval has confirmed it is reorganizing and has begun a process to streamline its management and public reporting processes, which will result in different parts of the business splitting into separate legal entities.

As of 1 January 2024, Måsøval will become a holding company, and all the group’s licenses will be merged into one company: Måsøval Lisens. The group’s farming operations will be a

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Published on
November 28, 2023

Iceland Seafood International’s (ISI) total sales for the first nine months of 2023 increased slightly year over year to EUR 318.1 million (USD 347.4 million), but the company experienced a significant slowdown in this year’s third quarter, when its sales slipped 12 percent year over year to EUR 95.8 million (USD 104.6 million).

The Reykjavik, Iceland-based seafood firm underwent a change in leadership in September 2023, with ISI CEO

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Published on
November 27, 2023

The Blue Marine Foundation, an environmental non-governmental organization, has criticized U.K. retailers that claim to oppose the use of drifting fish-aggregating devices (dFADs) while still selling tuna caught using them.

Blue Marine Foundation’s Head of Investigations Jess Rattle, the author of the study, said there are startling disparities between U.K. retailers’ own-label canned tuna and the brand-name tuna they sell alongside

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Published on
November 22, 2023

E.U. member-states and additional member countries of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) adopted several measures at the regional fisheries management organization’s 46th annual session in early November.

The GFCM adopted a series of recommendations aimed toward minimizing fishery impacts on the wider marine environment, along with measures to refine the reach and effectiveness of the science-based management

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Published on
November 20, 2023

Norwegian land-based salmon farmer Salmon Evolution announced in its Q3 2023 report that it lost NOK 36.5 million (USD 3.4 million, EUR 3.1 million) before taxes, but that it also experienced strong biological performance throughout the period, ending with its best-standing biomass to date at its Indre Harøy facility, which attained Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certification in late October.

The company’s standing biomass

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Published on
November 16, 2023

Disease challenges in its farming segment and lower quotas for its wild-catch operations had a negative impact on Lerøy Seafood Group’s earnings in the third quarter of this year.

Lerøy Seafood CEO Henning Beltestad confirmed that at the end of Q3 and beginning of Q4, the company has faced infectious salmon anemia (ISA) disease issues at some grow-out sites. These have resulted in lower production levels than expected and

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Published on
November 15, 2023

Continuing biological challenges at its Norwegian and British Columbia (B.C.) salmon farming sites impacted Grieg Seafood ASA’s production and results in Q3, hitting its revenue and earnings.

Grieg’s Q3 2023 report, published on 14 November 2023, said the company had low harvest volumes in the quarter, as the focus was put on rebuilding biomass.

CEO Andreas Kvame said that as a result of the low salmon harvest volume, costs per

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