California Governor Gavin Newsom has proposed a 2025-26 state budget with USD 322 billion (EUR 313 billion) in spending, including funding for the state’s salmon populations and hatcheries.
“We will continue to assess the state’s ongoing fiscal position and include appropriate adjustments,” Newsom said in a statement. “I look forward to working with new and returning members of the Legislature on a final 2025-26 budget that assures California a strong economic future well into the 21st century.”
Despite USD 17 billion (EUR 16.5 billion) more in revenue than expected, spending on the state’s fisheries and hatcheries remains largely flat.
The budget includes USD 30 million (EUR 29.1 million) in funding for the state’s Hatchery and Inland Fisheries Fund, remaining essentially flat from the previous budget. The department currently manages 21 fish hatcheries.
The governor’s plan also includes USD 1.7 million (EUR 1.65 million) in special funding for improving the Silverado Fisheries Base and the Fish Springs Hatchery. In addition, funding for upgraded fish hatcheries for Central Valley Chinook Salmon was included among the USD 86 million (EUR 84 million) set aside for coastal resilience projects, according to the state’s budget summary.
The governor has also proposed a series of investments in climate resilience by pulling money from the state's 2025-26 Climate Bond, including spending USD 8.5 million (EUR 8.3 million) on removing obsolete dams and increasing habitat connectivity and building “climate resilience for culturally and economically important fisheries.”
A budget summary provided by the state notes that includes USD 176 million (EUR 171 million) for projects that conserve land, enhance fish habitats, and restore wildlife areas.
In 2022, California announced USD 100 million (EUR 97.1 million) in dedicated funding to helping salmon survive drought and climate change.
These announcements follow moves made in May 2024, when California announced USD 17 million (EUR 16.5 million) in awards for habitat restoration, with USD 8.5 million (EUR 8.3 million) set aside for advancing salmon recovery efforts.