The Ocean Stewards Institute elected its first board of directors. The board consists of Brian O'Hanlon, president of Snapperfarm; Neil Sims, president of Kona Blue Water Farms; Patricia Parisi, communications manager of King's Seafood Co.; Chris Beattie, product manager of Skretting; Sean O'Scannlain, president and CEO of Fortune Fish Co.; and David Tze, managing director of Aquacopia Capital Management.
"The representation of the board truly shows the scope of the emerging industry, which is a key strength of the Ocean Stewards," said Sims in a press release. "The full breadth and depth of open-ocean aquaculture is represented, including fish farmers, investor groups, feed companies, distributors and restaurateurs, which will allow for building greater coordination within our constituency."
The Board will direct the Ocean Stewards Institute in its mission to promote wider recognition and support for sustainable open-ocean aquaculture in the Americas. Areas of emphasis for this year include advocacy for regulations and research funding for the growth of offshore aquaculture, establishing standards for sustainability certification for open-ocean aquaculture and building awareness of environmental, economic and public health imperatives for open-ocean aquaculture development.