Quin-Sea Fisheries, a Newfoundland-based seafood processor owned by Royal Greenland – has withdrawn from the Association of Seafood Producers (ASP) after a dispute over crab pricing data.
Quin-Sea said its withdrawal is the result of “many months of a strained relationship with ASP.”
The company had been in a dispute with the association – which represents processing companies in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador – over access to data on 5- to 8-ounce sections of crab the company delivered in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
The dispute centered on the hard-won pricing agreement that processors and the Fish, Food, and Allied Workers Union (FFAW) reached in 2024.
Fishers initially refused to fish at the start of the 2024 season after Newfoundland’s Standing Fish Prices Setting Panel sided with the ASP proposal, which itself came after harvesters staged protests at government buildings over the way the snow crab market was being handled in the province.
That hard-won agreement included ...