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Top 25 North American Seafood Suppliers, Volume 3

Produced since 1999, the Top 25 North American Seafood Suppliers list (originally published in SeaFood Business magazine) is, perennially, the most-read story produced by SeafoodSource. Containing suppliers, wholesalers and distributors - companies with vastly different business models - the list reveals the diversity and vibrancy of the seafood industry in North America.


Top 25 North American Seafood Suppliers, Volume 2

Produced by SeafoodSource editors, this comprehensive eBook takes a more in-depth look at the firms that made the list of Top 25 North American Seafood Suppliers in 2015.


The American Seafood Consumer

This month, SeafoodSource presents a new report, Appraising Proteins: American Consumer Behavior at the Retail Level, the result of a comprehensive survey of seafood consumers in the United States discussing grocery shopping behavior, eating habits and budgets, all with an eye toward comparing seafood to other key proteins such as beef, pork and chicken. SeafoodSource Market Research Analyst Kerry Gross will join us to talk about some of the key demographics covered in the report, and tell us more about how seafood fares on America's dinner plate.


2018 Consumer Trends Report

A thriving seafood industry is one that keeps in step with these ever-changing consumer demands and desires. That’s why SeafoodSource brings you its 2018 Consumer Trends Report, covering some of the most prominent consumer trends affecting your business today.


Fresh Take: Farmed Salmon eBook

For investors or buyers wondering whether to source farmed salmon, it can be a tough market to navigate, with strong opinions and vested interests everywhere. This eBook examines the industry, providing a snapshot of the most commonly discussed problems and the solutions farmers are devising.


Appraising Proteins: American Consumer Behavior at the Retail Level

This report details the findings of a SeafoodSource survey of more than 500 American seafood consumers and is the only major study to compare seafood with other grocery store proteins.


Guide to Global Consumer Trends

Today’s seafood business landscape is bright. Consumers everywhere are finding value in seafood and are flocking to both retailers and restaurants in search of high-quality proteins.


Top 25 North American Seafood Suppliers, Volume 4

SeafoodSource is proud to continue its long legacy of producing its Top 25 North American Seafood Suppliers with Volume 4, its 2018 edition.

Check out this year’s list to see who moved up, who dropped down, and who held steady. And this year’s version includes more in-depth information on all the news affecting the continent’s biggest seafood players, as well as exclusive interviews with C-level executives for three Top 25 firms.


Food Safety and Health Report

No matter where along the global seafood supply chain you fall, chances are food safety is a top priority for your business – if not the top priority.

Simply put: Quality seafood is safe seafood. As such, suppliers and industry stakeholders all around the world are constantly looking for ways to ensure the sanctity of product portfolios and operations, for the sakes of their business partners, customers, and consumers. SeafoodSource’s 2019 Food Safety and Health Report details some of the leading efforts underway in this critical space – as well as the safety challenges still standing in the sector’s way heading into 2020.


Lobster Master Class

Sean Murphy speaks with Carl Wilson, a biologist with the Maine Department of Marine Resources, about the American lobster.

