China recently opened its market up to imports of live snow crab from Norway.
Norway announced China reopened its borders to imports of live snow crab on 9 December, a move which came after Norwegian Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Marianne Sivertsen Næss met with the Minister of Chinese Customs and Veterinary Authorities Yu Jianhua in Beijing.
"The fact that China is opening up imports of live snow crab from Norway so quickly after I had political talks in China is very positive and shows the importance of visits to promote Norway's interests,” Næss said in a press release. “Live snow crab is of increasing interest in Asian markets, and market access to China represents enormous potential for Norwegian exporters. This can further strengthen profitability and create increased activity in the Norwegian land industry.”
Norway has been increasingly targeting the Chinese market, and the country’s seafood industry has continued to grow its sales in China, according to data from the Norwegian Seafood Council (NSC).
Sigmund Bjorgo, head of the NSC’s office in China, told SeafoodSource the latest move by China will be a ...