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Transparency of Transshipment: Emerging Technology Can Shine a Light on the Transfer of Fish At Sea

Transparency of Transshipment: Emerging Technology Can Shine a Light on the Transfer of Fish At Sea

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Eating up the Oceans- How Do We Save Our Seas?

Speakers: Jennifer Bushman, Strategic Development Consultant - Route to Market

Michiel Bakker, Vice President of Global Workplace Programs - Google

Katherine Bryar, Global Marketing & Branding Director - Biomar

Douglas Gayeton, Co-Founder - The Lexicon

Alf-Gøran Knutsen, CEO - Kvarøy Arctic, Kvarøy Fiskeoppdrett, Arctic Seafarm


Our oceans are an endless source of wonder and possibility. Their health also dictates the fate of our planet. Currently, it’s the Wild West on the open sea as overfishing, pollution, habitat loss, and climate change threaten the very existence of marine life – and our own. With the global population expected to grow to nearly 10 billion people in the next 30 years, we simply must find a sustainable way forward. And we can… by eating MORE for right types of fish, seafood and seaweed. Saving the Seas: Can We Eat Our Way Out of Crisis? is a panel that will explore a provocative solution to an urgent issue.  Over the course of the last year, led by The Lexicon, Google and GSSI, over a hundred participants have come together to build a connected market tool. This group represents a coalition of fishers,  water farmers, scientists and conservationists, supermarkets, restaurants, food service companies, designers, storytellers, and entrepreneurs who share a vision to restore our ocean ecosystems and create a more equitable food system. One that recognizes the vital contributions of fishers and water farmers and provides a suite of tools that measure and validate ecosystem benefits so that buyers can match their dollars with their values. Join us as we share the process, how the group came together and what the future holds!

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Complete Digital Ticket: Seafood Expo North America 2023

Access all available Seafood Expo North America 2023 conference session videos.

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Keynote: Seafood2030 Presents – Resilience, Innovation, and Transformation: Bouncing Beyond in a Post-COVID World

Speakers: Sarah Hogan, Program Officer - David & Lucile Packard Foundation; Teresa Ish, Senior Program Officer, Environment Program - Walton Family Foundation; Eduard Müller, President - University for International Cooperation in Costa Rica; Per Olsson, Researcher - Stockholm Resilience Centre; Steve Waddell, Lead – Bounce Beyond

Session Description: “COVID-19 has been a fire-drill to test the resilience of our systems” according to Eduard Muller, President of the University for International Cooperation. The last year has brought a renewed focus on the resilience and transformation of everything from supply chains to economic systems to technology and networks. But years of research before COVID-19 has greatly improved our understanding of resilience and processes of transformation. This session’s panel is made up of three experts in the field who share their understanding of what makes systems resilient and how the seafood industry can better prepare their systems for future disruption and opportunity.

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Seafood Marketing in a TikTok World

Seafood Marketing in a TikTok World

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How Pebble Mine threatens the Alaska Seafood brand

A proposal to develop what could possibly be the world’s largest gold and copper mine, which was shelved during the administration of former U.S. President Barack Obama, recently received a fresh lease on life under the administration of President Donald Trump, a champion of increased domestic mining.

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How Has COVID-19 Affected Seafood Imports?

Speakers: Peter Quinter, Chair, U.S. Customs and International Trade Law Group - GrayRobinson, P.A.; Benjamin England, CEO & Founder of, LLC -, LLC

Session Description: Learn what is happening at FDA and how the Agency is managing seafood safety programs during the pandemic. What is changing with the Administration change? What should you expect? How is Customs looking at fraud? What about these recent WROs? What matters most? How do you document compliance? Ben England and Peter Quinter, both with former federal experience, lay out what you should be worried about and what you should be doing to protect your essential business.

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“Chem-Free” Seafood and other Labeling Myths: A Discussion for Processors, Exporters, Importers and Buyers

Moderator: Mark Bowen, NFI

Speakers: Bill DiMento, High Liner Foods

                     Guy Pizzuti, Publix Super Markets Inc.

                     Lisa Weddig, National Fisheries Institute NFI

Seafood buyers, using price as the only purchasing criteria, can become susceptible to misleading labeling practices and buy seafood that doesn’t meet expectations. The panel members will explain the importance of proper labeling, misleading labeling trends, clarify requirements for labeling additives, and advise how buyers can monitor what is contained in the product.

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Plenary: 3 Ways To Incorporate a Diversity and Inclusion Program To Benefit Your Business

Speaker: Tony Byers, PhD, Former Director, Global Diversity & Inclusion, Starbucks 

A properly managed diversity and inclusion program can increase engagement, creativity and business performance. By also learning to leverage diversity and inclusion through best practices, organizations can turn D&I into a powerful business advantage that stimulates innovation and drives marketplace growth. 

In this plenary presentation, Dr. Tony Byers shows you how to leverage talent to make business stronger, improve processes and how to find and retain top talent.

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How Do We Capitalize on Environmental Awareness to Accelerate Growth on the Heels of the Global COVID Pandemic?

Moderator: Erika Feller, MSC

Linda Cornish, Seafood Nutrition Partnership
Jason Cervone, McDonald’s Corporation
Eric Ditsch, Amazon Fresh
Christine Lamontagne, Globescan

Consumers are increasingly aware of their impact on the environment and specifically the impact of their consumption habits on environmental health. This is true for seafood consumers as well, with data showing consumers want more sustainable options. Consumers also demonstrated the importance of seafood to them and their families during a year of lockdowns and quarantines in 2020 with record sales of seafood. How can we leverage a consumer shift in awareness and desire to shop better for themselves and for the planet and move the sustainable seafood industry forward? Hear from industry, NGOs, and donors working hard to make sustainable seafood an easy option for consumers, and how they’re approaching sustainability and seafood consumers differently in response to COVID.

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