European fishing advocates push for new policies to secure “fishers of the future”

Panel members during the "Fishers of the Future" conference in the E.U.
Fishing advocacy groups are pushing the E.U. to make regulatory policies that can help attract and retain fishers | Photo courtesy of Europeche
4 Min

Europeche, the European Transport Workers Federation, and officials within the E.U. are pushing the bloc to adopt new policies to protect the future of fishers. 

E.U. Social Dialogue Committee for Sea Fisheries Chair Cor Blonk, speaking at the “Fishers of the Future” conference, called for urgent action from policymakers to secure the future of the bloc’s fishing fleet to support Europe’s food self-sufficiency.

Blonk, who is also the chair of FISH Platform and the secretary of labor relations for the Pelagic Freezer-Trawler Association, said fishers need to be recognized as a key part of the sustainability of the industry. 

“Sustainability is not only about the planet and profit but also about people,” he said during the conference. “Fishers should be recognized as key actors in securing healthy and nutritious food. They perform an essential role that benefits us all, and their work deserves to be appreciated and valued for the vital contribution they make to our society.”

According to a release issued by Europeche, Blonk said ...

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