Washington-based seafood company Orca Bay Seafoods has launched a new website and e-commerce platform known as Orca Direct, which offers customers a more user-friendly virtual experience and improved interface functionality.
Customers can now access a variety of Orca Bay product specifications on the web, including catch areas, harvest methods and recipes, which can be easily shared across all major social networking sites, said the company in a release. Creative imagery is put to use on the updated website as a means to offer the customer established insight into the company’s “culture, mission, and transparency from the point of harvest through processing and finally, to the plate.”
Orca Bay’s enhanced website features a news section, to be updated continually with new developments occurring within the company as well as across the seafood business landscape and general food industries. Announcements from Research & Development, food and philanthropic events, nutrition and health articles from Orca Bay's staff nutritionist will also be available via the tab, said Orca Bay.
Additionally, customers can sift through Orca Bay’s product portfolio with its recently rolled-out e-commerce store, Orca Direct, which launches with over 15 products shipping frozen directly from the company’s headquarter facility in Renton, Washington. Among the product lines available through the e-commerce platform are 5 oz. single serve filet portions, seafood burgers and crab selections.
The company is encouraging customers to visit the website and e-commerce platform and share their feedback on the Orca Bay Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/orcabayseafoodsinc/?fref=ts
Access the updated website here: http://orcabayseafoods.com/