Jason Holland

Jason Holland

Contributing Editor reporting from London, UK

London-based seafood writer and communications consultant Jason Holland has been a contributing editor to SeafoodSource.com since January 2010. Jason has more than 25 years of experience as a B2B journalist and editor – a career that has taken him all over the world. He believes he found his true professional calling in 2004 when he started documenting the many facets of the international seafood industry and he’s particularly proud of the strong, collaborative relationships he has formed at all stages of the supply chain.

Author Archive

Published on
September 11, 2023

Family-owned Norwegian salmon farmer Nordlaks Group posted significant increases in both its turnover and profit for 2022, with company CEO Eirik Welde pointing to last year’s strong salmon prices as a key driver of the upturns.

According to its 2022 results posted on 21 August 2023, Nordlaks’s turnover increased from just over NOK 1 billion (USD 93.4 million, EUR 87 million) in 2021 to NOK 4.45 billion (USD 415.8 million, EUR 387.1

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Published on
September 7, 2023

Ísafjörður, Iceland-based salmon-farming company Arctic Fish harvested just 100 metric tons (MT) of head-on gutted (HOG) fish in the second quarter of this year – a major drop from the 1,029 MT of HOG salmon harvested in the same period last year.

Because of the small volume harvested in the quarter, Q2 constituted a low-income period, with its operational revenue and other income totaling NOK 22.8 million (USD 2.1 million,

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Published on
September 6, 2023

Biological challenges at farming sites hurt the operations of Shetland, Scotland-based Scottish Sea Farms in the second quarter of this year, negatively affecting harvest volume, average harvest size, and price achievement, according to reports from Lerøy Seafood Group, which operates the company as a joint venture with SalMar.

Lerøy CEO Henning Beltestad confirmed when presenting his firm’s Q2 2023 results that Scottish Sea

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Published on
September 4, 2023

Frøya, Norway-headquartered salmon farmer Måsøval posting posted decreased year-over-year operating revenues, as well as drops in sales revenue for both its farming and sales and processing segments in Q2 2023.

In its Q2 2023 report, Måsøval reported operating revenue of NOK 805 million (USD 75.9 million, EUR 69.9 million), down from the NOK 934 million (USD 88.1 million, EUR 81.1 million) the company reported

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Published on
September 1, 2023

Iceland Seafood International (ISI) has agreed to sell 100 percent of its share capital in its U.K. subsidiary to Danish value-added producer Espersen.

In a statement, ISI CEO Bjarni Ármannsson said Espersen had finalized its due diligence process and that transaction documents were nearing completion. According to the agreement, the total sales price was just GBP 1,000 (USD 1,271, EUR 1,170). The Reykjavik, Iceland-headquartered

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Published on
August 31, 2023

The cancelation of Peru’s anchovy fishing season earlier this year led to Austevoll Seafood posting significantly lower operational earnings in Q2 2023, but the group’s performance elsewhere helped stem the damage.

The Storebø, Norway-based fisheries, aquaculture, processing, sales, and distribution group said its operational earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) in Q2 2023 totaled NOK 982 (USD 92.6 million, EUR 85.2

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Published on
August 30, 2023

Biological challenges have plagued Bergen, Norway-based Grieg Seafood’s Norwegian salmon-farming sites for a few quarters, but those issues have begun to ease, according to the group’s Q2 2023 results, published 25 August.

In Q1 2023, Grieg’s Rogaland, Norway, site was hit by infectious salmon anemia (ISA), while its Finnmark site identified the presence of the Spiro parasite (Spironucleus salmonicida). Both sites also found

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Published on
August 29, 2023

A limited supply of Atlantic salmon coupled with robust demand resulted in another quarter of high salmon prices and, in turn, strong Q2 2023 results overall for Frøya, Norway-headquartered salmon-farming firm SalMar.

The company recently reported quarterly operational earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) of NOK 1.745 billion (USD 165 million, EUR 151.9 million), a jump from the NOK 1.048 billion (USD 108.9 million, EUR 108.2

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Published on
August 28, 2023

Bergen, Norway-based Lerøy Seafood Group has swallowed a one-off cost of NOK 1.7 billion (USD 160.2 million, EUR 147.6 million) to implement Norway’s salmon farming resource rent tax, adopted in May 2023.

Lerøy Seafood Chief Financial Officer Sjur Malm said the firm paid NOK 2 billion (USD 188.5 million, EUR 173.6 million) in taxes and fees in 2022, but that figure is likely to grow significantly as a result of the tax,

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Published on
August 25, 2023

Mowi remains committed to opposing Norway’s recently imposed aquaculture resource rent tax, according to CEO Ivan Vindheim.

Delivering an otherwise bullish presentation on Mowi’s Q2 2023 results in Oslo, Norway, on 23 August, Vindheim voiced the company’s disappointment with the parliament’s decision, saying it has already proved costly, with investments worth NOK 40 billion (USD 3.7 billion, EUR 3.5 billion) across the

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