The Danish Fishermen’s Producers Organization’s (DFPO) North Sea otter trawl plaice fishery has been awarded Marine Stewardship Council certification, the London-based sustainable fisheries program announced on Friday.
The plaice fishery comprises about 50 vessels using demersal otter trawls to catch plaice in the North Sea. The fishery lands about 5,000 metric tons of North Sea plaice. The fish are mainly exported as chilled whole fish to northern European markets such as the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland and consumed domestically. A smaller amount are exported as frozen fillets to a number of European countries.
The fishery originally entered MSC assessment with three different gear types: set net, seine and trawl. The set-net and seine fisheries were certified earlier this year. The trawler component was further examined after the World Wildlife Fund-Netherlands objected. In response, the assessment team strengthened the action plan for implementing the habitat strategy, according to the MSC.
“Two months ago, the Danish set-net and Danish seine fisheries for North Sea plaice were awarded MSC certification and have since then experienced a tremendous interest in the marketplace,” said Kurt Madsen, DFPO chairman. “As we have committed ourselves to seek certification for all Danish fisheries, we are obviously very pleased that our customers appreciate our efforts. Needless to say then that we are both happy and proud to have our third gear type, otter trawl, certified now as well.”
More than 100 fisheries are MSC certified.